18 Jan 2025

Raheny Liturgy Group

The first Parish Pastoral Council was set up in 1977 and from it evolved the following:

The Youth Club was refurbished and reopened with a new young committee.

The Summer Project was set up in the Parish and continued for many years.

The Children’s Mass Group who prepared the 10a.m. children’s mass on Sundays and has now become the Family Mass Group.

The initiative for the Missionary Project was suggested by members of the Pastoral Council as an outreach to the third world from our parish.

Faith Formation was seen as a very important need. Hence some Parish meetings were set up and speakers from the Diocese came and gave talks in the candle room and some houses which were offered by parishioners from the project.

The Concerned Parish Programme was formed. Some parishioners were trained as facilitators to hold meetings in homes of people who offered them. The meeting consisted of scripture reading and discussion followed by the priest bringing the Blessed Sacrament to the house for adoration and prayer, including prayers for our community and needs of the Parish. This resulted in prayer groups which met in houses for many years.

A Millennium Committee was set up to prepare for the Millennium. Three years of preparation, 1997, 1998 and 1999 took place. Each year had a theme and parish meetings with community groups were set up. Speakers from parish development and renewal were invited. They gave talks on subjects including faith formation, parish renewal, day involvement, prayer, and the sacraments and youth initiatives. There followed discussion and actions suggested. Special Masses were organised for different groups including married couples, families, engaged couples, youth etc.

A Parish Liturgy Group was set up to give more time to the pastoral council for parish work. The liturgy group prepares all liturgies including Christmas, Easter, Mass and blessing of the sick and Mass for the deceased in November. Also prepares prayer friends for Confirmation. From this group evolved the Baptism and Funeral teams and The Religious Video Library which operated on Sunday mornings for many years.

liturgy-groupJoan Hearne