“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10)
The Pastoral Parish Council (PPC) is a recognised leadership structure mandated by Archbishop Martin for building a vibrant parish community that reaches out. The central purpose of the PPC is for priests and lay people to share responsibility for the mission of the parish in a spirit of discipleship and service.
In January 2011, in Manresa House with Donal Harrington as facilitator, members of the new PPC participated in an afternoon of prayer and reflection to consider short term and long term goals. Among the initiatives taken during the last eighteen months were meetings with PPC members of our parish cluster group within the Pastoral Area (Killester and Kilbarrack) to discern the best way forward in the light of the radical and ongoing change in the Church’s mission in Ireland. The PPC organised an evening of reflection and renewal for all Eucharistic Ministers in November. Members have also attended meetings and courses provided by the Archdiocese in relation to parish mission, clustering and the recent Eucharistic Congress.
The current PPC meets every month between September and June to pray, discuss and make decisions regarding the best way to serve the pastoral needs of the parish. Clearly, some long term goals will take time and money. In the words of the late Bishop Oscar Romero, “we cannot do everything, and there is liberation in realizing that; this enables us to do something and to do it extraordinarily well.”
Raheny PPC: Mission Statement January 2011
We endeavour to foster a Christ centred, Sacramental, Liturgical and Apostolic Community.
We seek to reach out, encourage and renew Parish life as part of the evangelising structure of our Parish.
We strive to have effective communication with people in a spirit of fellowship, listening to their needs and promoting a welcoming and sharing atmosphere with respect for all.
Contact : Veronica Sweeney 01 8317342