28 Oct 2024

The First Weddings in Our Church

Fred and Una Brennan

Fred and Una Brennan


When we met Dr. Fitzpatrick P.P., to book our wedding for July 16th he gave us a choice of being the last to be married in the old Church or the first in the new. He seemed slightly disappointed that we chose the latter.

Early morning weddings were the norm back then and at 10 o’clock the builders were hard at it preparing for the official consecration of the new Church the following Sunday. Ladders leaned against the walls and not many of the pews were in place. Sawing and hammering were heard between the hymns, but work was suspended as we took our vows. Dr. Fitzpatrick kept a sharp eye to ensure everything was done correctly – the celebrant being the recently ordained Fr. Noel Gartlan, CSsR brother of the bride celebrating his first wedding ceremony. We both remember that the aisle seemed terribly long! Neither of us imagined being around to see our Golden Anniversary, but thank God we have arrived at this special day.

We would like to wish long life and happy marriages to all couples who take their vows in Raheny in 2012 and hope they will have memories to share in 2062

Una Brennan

In July 1962 it was my privilege to preside at the first wedding in the almost finished Our Lady Mother of Divine Grace Church in Raheny. I remember the flooring at the altar not being quite finished so that I was standing on a sheet of plywood. I remember too the workmen up in the organ gallery stopping their hammering during the ceremony and I presume admiring the bride.

Fred and Una had prepared very carefully for this day. They did all things well. And I consider they have done all things well for the last 50 years

I have in my involvement in hundreds of marriages here in the Philippines looked back on that marriage as a sort of model of planning, celebrating and living the married life. Clearly blessed by God, my prayer is that every marriage celebrated in the Raheny church would be as full of Christian joy as that of Una and Fred.

Noel Gartlan, CSsR


Bernard and Ann Hickey

Bernard and Ann Hickey

On Saturday morning 28th July 1962, my Dad and I arrived for my wedding to Bernard at 10:30am Mass. There was a prior wedding at 10:00am so we waited in the car until the bridal party had their photos taken. Then as Dad and I approached the steps, two men went to roll up the red carpet the other bride had. To our great surprise and delight the bride’s father told them to leave it down for us. It was fantastic, as the carpet stretched from the top of the steps right up to the altar rails. My Dad could not believe it. It was such a generous gesture. My Dad was a very hard working builder’s labourer, a lifelong pioneer, but it was a luxury he could not have afforded. We had a beautiful ceremony, singer Deirdre Canavan, the late Mrs. Woods who lived in Gairdini Lein, played the organ. We had our reception in the Clare Manor Hotel (where Tesco is now) and by sheer coincidence the couple who were married at 10:00am Mass were also having their reception there too.
We have the Church of St. Assam on our Papal Blessing and Our Lady, Mother of Divine Grace on the wedding invitations, having left the printing until we were sure what Church we would be married in. The Church was officially opened on July 22nd 1962 and we were married there the following Saturday.

It was a real “Red Carpet” day for us and fifty years later still is (including the ups and downs, more ups – thank God). Our five children received First Communion and Confirmation there. We attended the ‘Silver Jubilee’ and look forward to “Our Lady Mother of Divine Grace” celebrating her Golden Jubilee as we will on our Golden Anniversary. Best wishes and thank you for sharing this precious memory.

Bernard and Ann Hickey.


Sean Noel and Dolores Macken


One of the early entries in the register of marriages in the new church of Our Lady Mother of Divine Grace Raheny was that of Dolores Elliot and Sean Noel Macken, which took place on Thursday 9th August, 1962. Dolores lived on St. Anne’s Avenue, Raheny but there was doubt about the finishing date of the new church in Raheny. So the wedding invitations were printed for the marriage to take place in St. Bridgid’s Church, Killister with reception afterwards in Danesfort Lodge, Clontarf (now known as Clontarf Castle). Dolores and Sean (Noel) must surely be a unique couple to have had wedding invitations for one Church and the ceremony in another! All their married life was lived happily in Raheny and many of their large extended family still live there.

Janet Branigan






Gina and Joe after their Wedding


On 20th July 2012, the marriage of Gina Casey, St. Anne’s Estate with Joe O’Halloran Tipperary took place in the Church of Our Lady Mother of Divine Grace, Raheny. Gina’s grandfather was a church collector and helped in the church from the time he came to Raheny in 1954. He was present at the laying of the foundation stone.
Gina’s parents, Jim and Geraldine, were also married in Raheny Church in 1971, and still reside in the parish.